Monday, August 12, 2024

Battle Mountain Complex Daily Update for August 12, 2024

Southwest winds cause flare ups in canyons

Total Complex Estimated Acres: 182,858
Location: Ukiah, Oregon
Cause: Under Investigation
Personnel: 1151
Containment: 77%
Estimated Cost: $64 million
Resources: 28 crews | 49 engines | 6 helicopters | 29 water tenders | 19 dozers
Highlights: Some public lands to reopen today as containment increases on the Battle Mountain Complex.
Operations: Fire managers added additional containment to the north side of the fire after crews worked extensively to find and extinguish hot spots. Swale, Ditch, Ellis and Potamus creeks continue to hold heat, aided by southwest winds that push through the drainages. Crews continue to mop up in these areas. Yesterday, they used a helicopter with a water bucket to cool down areas around Notell.
Today the work of preparing contingency lines around Penland Lake continues. Crews and machinery are nearing completion of the tree and brush cutting work that will make these lines defensible in the event they are needed. Cutting along the 21 and 2104 road should be completed today.
Firefighters on the east, south and west sides of the fire will focus efforts on suppression repair work. Miles of dozer line constructed to contain the fire will be repaired with erosion control features. Crews in these areas are also removing unneeded equipment like hoses, pumps and water tanks. This equipment will be cleaned, inspected and made available for other fires in the area. Crews already removed 15,000 feet of hose from the fire.
As containment increases and fire activity diminishes, some firefighting resources are reaching the end of their assignment. They will demobilize from the incident to rest and get ready to be sent to other fires.
Weather: An isolated late afternoon or evening shower or thunderstorm will be possible Tuesday through Thursday. Temperatures ranging from upper 70s to around 90 Tuesday and Wednesday will cool off late in the week following a dry cold front. Winds will be from the west to southwest the first half of the day Tuesday and Wednesday before shifting out of the northwest later in the afternoon. More typical northwest winds return Thursday and Friday.
Smoke: Smoke has moderated but is expected to persist from regional fires in the area. Residents can expect to continue to see smoke from interior pockets of unburned fuel. To see a detailed smoke outlook visit:
Public Land Closures: The Bureau of Land Management and the Umatilla National Forest have closed public lands in the fire area. Visit for more information.
Road closures and fire restrictions:
Grant, Morrow and Umatilla County Evacuations:

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