Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Crockets Knob Fire - Sept. 6, 2022


Incident Commanders: Jeff Dimke and Bobby Shindelar  

September 6, 2022 

A community meeting will take place Wednesday night at 6 PM at the Prairie City Park and will also be live streamed on the fire’s Facebook page. 

Weather:  Today is forecasted to have increased winds along with hotter and drier conditions. Temperatures will be in the upper 80’s this afternoon with wind gusts up to 25 mph, and relative humidity is expected to drop down to nearly 10% this afternoon. A red flag warning has been issued for tomorrow, September 7th, for the fire area. 

Operations: Yesterday firefighters continued to secure containment lines along FSR 4550 and 45 Roads, and heavy equipment improved a potential contingency line along FSR 45 north toward the FSR 10. Spot fires west of FSR 45 from previous days were mopped up, which included finding and putting out remnant heat in areas already burned. Crews continued constructing direct handlines along the northeastern and eastern flanks of the fire. Helicopters supported firefighters with water bucket drops along the north and northeastern edges.  

Today fire activity is expected to increase due to hot, dry and windy conditions. Firefighters will work to secure existing containment lines for the anticipated red flag conditions. Crews will engage directly with handlines along the north and northeastern flanks of the fire. Heavy equipment will continue improving the potential contingency line along FSR 45. Containment lines along the southern edge of the fire will continue to be monitored, mopped up, and secured.  

Helicopters will continue to support firefighters on the northern and eastern edge, cooling areas of heat and adding moisture to the fuels to slow fire growth.  

Closures and Evacuations:  Grant County has issued a Level One evacuation advisory in the area of the fire. Level One means be ready and aware of fire conditions. You can view a map of the evacuation zone on the Grant County Emergency Management Facebook page. A closure is in effect on the Malheur and Umatilla National Forests today. For complete closure information, please go to:  https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/malheur/notices/?cid=STELPRD3845529   

Smoke may be visible to nearby communities and Forest visitors. Smoke and air quality impacts within the state can be monitored by visiting: http://oregonsmoke.blogspot.com  

Quick Facts: 

  • SIZE:    4,305 Acres 
  • CAUSE: Lightning 
  • PERSONNEL: 623 
  • LOCATION: 19 miles north of Prairie City 





FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CrocketsKnobFire  

INCIWEB: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/8355/  



There is a Temporary Flight Restriction over the Crockets Knob Fire area. Wildfires are a No Drone Zone - if you fly, we can’t. 


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